UI Components
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# Basic usage
Tab 1
Tab 2
Tab 3
@php // public string $activeTab = 'tab1';@endphp <x-tab wire:model="activeTab" class="max-w-md"> <x-slot name="items"> <x-tab-item id="tab1" label="Tab 1" /> <x-tab-item id="tab2" label="Tab 2" /> <x-tab-item id="tab3" label="Tab 3" /> </x-slot> <x-tab-content id="tab1"> Tab 1 </x-tab-content> <x-tab-content id="tab2"> Tab 2 </x-tab-content> <x-tab-content id="tab3"> Tab 3 </x-tab-content></x-tab>
# Switch tab
Create an account and manage your profile.
Change your password for security purposes.
@php // public string $activeTab2 = 'account';@endphp <x-tab wire:model="activeTab2" class="max-w-md" as="switch"> <x-slot name="items"> <x-tab-item id="account" label="Account" icon="user" as="switch" /> <x-tab-item id="password" label="Password" icon="key" as="switch" /> </x-slot> <x-tab-content id="account"> <x-card class="rounded"> <x-card-header title="Account" subtitle="Create an account and manage your profile." /> <x-card-content> <x-input label="Name" /> <x-input label="Email" /> </x-card-content> <x-card-footer> <x-button label="Save" /> </x-card-footer> </x-card> </x-tab-content> <x-tab-content id="password"> <x-card class="rounded"> <x-card-header title="Password" subtitle="Change your password for security purposes." /> <x-card-content> <x-input label="Current Password" /> <x-input label="New Password" /> </x-card-content> <x-card-footer> <x-button label="Save password" /> </x-card-footer> </x-card> </x-tab-content></x-tab>