UI Components
# Basic usage
Active | Actions | |||
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
6 | Orrin Heidenreich | zbruen@example.org |
7 | Kattie Bartoletti DVM | danyka58@example.net |
8 | Mr. Evans Tillman PhD | nico.zemlak@example.org |
9 | Norbert Blick | marcelina.gulgowski@example.com |
10 | Mr. Josiah Murray III | icole@example.net |
Per page:
@php use App\Models\User; use Livewire\Component; use Developermithu\Tallcraftui\Traits\WithTcTable; class Table extends Component { use WithTcTable; public bool $is_active = false; public bool $email_verified_at = false; public function render() { $users = User::query() ->when($this->tcSearch, function ($query) { $query->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $this->tcSearch . '%'); }) ->when($this->is_active, function ($query) { $query->where('is_active', true); }) ->when($this->email_verified_at, function ($query) { $query->whereNotNull('email_verified_at'); }) ->tap(fn($query) => $this->tcApplySorting($query)) ->paginate($this->tcPerPage); return view('livewire.table', compact('users')); } }@endphp <x-table :paginate="$users" :per-page="[5, 10, 20, 50]" searchable hoverable> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" sortable :$sortCol :$sortAsc /> <x-th label="Name" sortable :$sortCol :$sortAsc /> <x-th label="Email" sortable :$sortCol :$sortAsc /> <x-th label="Active" /> <x-th label="Actions" /> </x-slot:heading> @forelse ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> <x-td> @if ($user->is_active) <x-icon name="check-circle" class="text-green-500 size-6" /> @else <x-icon name="x-circle" class="text-red-500 size-6" /> @endif </x-td> <x-td class="space-x-2"> <x-dropdown> <x-slot:trigger> <x-button icon="ellipsis-vertical" flat gray circle /> </x-slot:trigger> <x-dropdown-item label="View" icon="eye" /> <x-dropdown-item label="Edit" icon="pencil-square" /> <x-dropdown-item label="Delete" icon="trash" /> </x-dropdown> </x-td> </x-tr> @empty <x-not-found /> @endforelse {{-- Filters --}} <x-slot:filters> <x-dropdown title="Filters" persistent w-56> <x-slot:trigger> <x-button icon="funnel" flat gray sm /> </x-slot:trigger> <div class="p-4 space-y-3"> <x-toggle wire:model.live="is_active" label="Active" /> <x-toggle wire:model.live="email_verified_at" label="Email verified" /> </div> </x-dropdown> </x-slot:filters></x-table>
# Simple table
@php $users = App\Models\User::take(5)->get();@endphp <x-table> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" /> <x-th label="Name" /> <x-th label="Email" /> <x-th label="Actions" /> </x-slot:heading> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> <x-td> <x-button link="#" label="Edit" icon="pencil-square" amber flat sm /> <x-button link="#" label="Delete" icon="trash" red flat sm /> </x-td> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# Without border
Id | Name | |
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
@php $users = App\Models\User::take(5)->get();@endphp <x-table borderless> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" /> <x-th label="Name" /> <x-th label="Email" /> </x-slot:heading> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# Striped style
Id | Name | |
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
@php $users = App\Models\User::take(5)->get();@endphp <x-table borderless striped> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" /> <x-th label="Name" /> <x-th label="Email" /> </x-slot:heading> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# Without header
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
@php $users = App\Models\User::take(5)->get();@endphp <x-table borderless> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# Hoverable
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
@php $users = App\Models\User::take(5)->get();@endphp <x-table borderless hoverable> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# Clickable
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
@php $users = App\Models\User::take(5)->get();@endphp <x-table borderless> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr :href="route('docs.components.table')"> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# With searching
Id | Name | |
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
@php // Include `WithTcTable` trait // use Developermithu\Tallcraftui\Traits\WithTcTable; $users = App\Models\User::query() ->when($this->tcSearch, function ($query) { $query->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $this->tcSearch . '%'); }) ->take(5)->get();@endphp <x-table searchable> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" /> <x-th label="Name" /> <x-th label="Email" /> </x-slot:heading> @forelse ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @empty <x-not-found /> @endforelse</x-table>
# With pagination
Id | Name | |
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
@php $users = App\Models\User::paginate(3);@endphp <x-table :paginate="$users"> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" /> <x-th label="Name" /> <x-th label="Email" /> </x-slot:heading> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# With per page
Id | Name | |
1 | Taylor Otwell | Taylor@gmail.com |
2 | Nuno Maduro | Nuno@gmail.com |
3 | Caleb Porzio | Caleb@gmail.com |
4 | Jeffrey Way | Jeffrey@gmail.com |
5 | Developer Mithu | Mithu@gmail.com |
6 | Orrin Heidenreich | zbruen@example.org |
7 | Kattie Bartoletti DVM | danyka58@example.net |
8 | Mr. Evans Tillman PhD | nico.zemlak@example.org |
9 | Norbert Blick | marcelina.gulgowski@example.com |
10 | Mr. Josiah Murray III | icole@example.net |
Per page:
@php // Include `WithTcTable` trait // use Developermithu\Tallcraftui\Traits\WithTcTable; $users = App\Models\User::paginate($this->tcPerPage);@endphp {{-- You can also add custom option :per-page="[5, 10, 20]" --}}<x-table :paginate="$users" per-page> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" /> <x-th label="Name" /> <x-th label="Email" /> </x-slot:heading> @foreach ($users as $user) <x-tr> <x-td :label="$user->id" /> <x-td :label="$user->name" /> <x-td :label="$user->email" /> </x-tr> @endforeach</x-table>
# With sorting
@php // Include `WithTcTable` trait // use Developermithu\Tallcraftui\Traits\WithTcTable; $users = App\Models\User::query() ->tap(fn($query) => $this->tcApplySorting($query)) ->get();@endphp <x-table> <x-slot:heading> <x-th label="Id" sortable :$sortCol :$sortAsc /> <x-th label="Name" sortable :$sortCol :$sortAsc /> </x-slot:heading></x-table>
# Without loading spinner
You can disable the loading spinner by using the
prop. And if you want to disable only the spinner, you can use the no-spinner
<x-table no-loading /><x-table no-spinner />